Sunday, August 31, 2008

Our Summer Fun Camping Trip #2

Our second camping trip was back to Lake Cushman with Bob and Michelle to break in our new trailer! This time the weather was sunny and hot, so we were able to spend a lot of time on the lake playing in the water and in the kayak's. We decided that we absolutely love our trailer after spending the weekend in it. Can't wait to our next camping trip in it!

Mark in the kayak.

From left to right: Jen, Katie, Grace, Alie, Bob, Michelle and Mark is taking the photo.

Our new trailer! This is where Grace spent a lot of her time. She liked getting into the cooler for some reason.

Alie and Katie were the entertainment for the evening.

Mark and the girls hanging out by the fire.

Grace found her spot on the ledge above our table in the trailer.

Alie, Grace and Katie in the door of our trailer.

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