Sunday, May 31, 2009

Memorial Day Camping Trip

We spent Memorial Day weekend camping near Ocean Shores with Bob and Michelle and Grace, Mary - Michelle's Mom, Katie and Alie - Bob's nieces and Emily and Rebeca - Mark's nieces.
We had great weather considering it was the coast! No rain, and sunny afternoons.
We found Grace hiding in the storage above our bed!

Michelle and Grace before bed time.

Grace hitting the ball "by self".

We had a harder time beating the kids than we thought we would. It took several games but Bob, Mark and I finally won one!

Me, Mark with Grace, Katie, and Emily.

This was after what started as a very scary monster hunt. The girls caught one monster named Mark and Bob jumped out at us on the way back to camp.

Katie, Emily, Alie, Rebeca.

Mark was trying to nap, but the girls would not have it.

Bishop enjoying the beach.

Emily helping to launch the kite.

Mark and I think Rebeca flying the kite.

This is what extreme cold and wind on the beach at 11pm looks like!

Spaghetti anyone?

All the girls on scooter and bikes.

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