Friday, June 17, 2011


I think pacifiers are evil! Sky doesn't want one all that often, but she does seem to mostly want it while trying to fall asleep. The problem, she spits it out every 5 minutes. That means that I spend 1 to 2 hours popping the pacifier back in her mouth until she falls asleep meaning that neither one of us is getting very good sleep.

I have tried waiting until she falls deep asleep after her bottle, but as soon as I put her down in her bassinet she wakes up because she LOVES to be held and snuggled. So to be alone in her bassinet she needs the pacifier to sooth her.

If she would just stop spitting it out all the time we would both be soothed and sleeping!

1 comment:

JR said...

Don't you be picking on that perfect baby. She can spit anything she wants, Grandma says so!