Wednesday, July 20, 2011

More Vacation Pics

These are in no particular order...blogger gives me nothing but issues when it comes to pics!

I added this one because her Red Eye's make her look totally evil and she is totally sweet and cute and not evil at all. Not even when she wakes me up at 3 every morning. :)

Her first time in the pool. It looks like she is freaking out, but she loved it! And when she is not in her swaddle this is her normal sleeping position, so it must me how she is the most comfortable.

Is she dancing or boxing in her car seat?

Sky meeting Great Grandma for the first time! On our way to Park City we spent the first night in Benton City with my Aunt and Uncle so they could meet Sky, and then the next morning we had breakfast with Dad and Val and the rest of the family so they could all meet her. It was a nice way to start our vacation.

Our first day in Park City and mark already has a best friend.

Kiera kissing Sky. This happened every 2 minutes it seemed. Kiera was very into being near Sky and helping out with burp cloths and giving lots and lots of kisses.

Our first evening in Park City we didn't do much other than check in and get settled. We were welcomed by a Thunder, Lightning, and Hail storm. This was how Grace chose to watch the storm.

Can't tell they are sisters can you? Same smile or grimace, not sure what that look is.

Align Center

Mark and I took a day to check out Deer Valley the next town up the valley and drive up to the top of the peak. This is one of the lodges we say. Part of it is at the bottom of the hill and the other part is at the top and there is a elevator/carriage that take people from bottom to top and top to bottom.

This was a cool barn we drove past several times. There were very nice paved trails all around the barn and one of our evening walks took us past the barn.

This is a bridge in Idaho, on our way home we say base jumpers jumping off the bridge.

This is a Banksy him...very cool graffiti artist!

In the distance you can see a beach and past that the Great Salt Lake. We swam in the lake and let me tell you it was the most disgusting water I have ever been in. Due to the poop from the brine shrimp and all the fly's the water is literally poop water. Your feet sink in up to the ankle. But once you get out far enough into a little cleaner water you float like crazy because of how salty the water is. You just sit down like in a chair and lift your feet up and float around like mad. But, still the most yukky water EVER! Plus we had a layer of salt covering us when we got out of the water.

Antelope island is an island in the Great Salt Lake with tons of wildlife. We saw Antelope, Buffalo, Deer, Pelicans, and lots and lots of fly's and bugs.

All in all a very fun trip. Love Park City. Hope we get to go back some day.

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