Monday, September 12, 2011

9/11 Mixed Emotions

Yesterday was a strange day emotionally.  I really believe in giving important events in our history the attention, respect, and remembrance they deserve.  I also LOVE football.  It made Sunday, 9/11 the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 and the opening Sunday of the NFL season a confusing day for me.  

I have been to ground zero, while it was still being cleaned up and you could see the twisted remains of the towers.  I still remember how I found out and how stunned I felt that day.  That stunned feeling has not gone away...every time I see footage of the towers being hit and falling I still have a hard time believing it happened.  But, it did, and there are thousands of people that are no longer with us because of it.  Families were changed forever and I think it's important to remember how precious life, and those we love are, and how fast it can all change. 

I have also been looking forward to the first of many Football Sunday's with Sky.  I grew up in a sports watching home, and to this day I love almost all sport.  Football is my first true sports love though.  I look forward to "Football Season" all summer, and I have been looking forward to Sky's first Football Sunday for months!  I have had her outfits ready to go for weeks!

So, I took my time to watch the ceremonies on TV, have my moment of respect for those that are no longer with us, and then I allowed myself to celebrate Sky's first "Football Sunday"! 

Since Mark and Bob were gone hunting for the weekend Michelle and the girls came over Saturday night to watch the Notre Dame game, spend the night, and watch football on Sunday.  

Between the ND, Steelers, and Hawk's games Michelle and I had a pretty tough football weekend.  It's going to be a while before I can take Sky to a game with the fan club, she was not sure what to make of all the yelling, jumping up and down, etc.  Once she stops crying every time I overreact then maybe she will be ready for the fan club.   

Despite the really terrible Steelers performance I was so excited to share something I love with my baby. 

I hope she grows up looking forward to cozy Sunday's in PJ's watching football as much as I do!

 Sky was worn out after watching football all day.  She was out by the end of the 3rd quarter of the Jet's game, and slept 9 hours last night. 

I know this is not the best pic of her, but I was trying to get the outfit.  I love her football leg warmers and you can't see them in the pic, but she has the cutest Steelers socks on.  My little football baby! 

1 comment:

JR said...

She doesn't stand a chance. Football is in her future. Sorry about the Steelers. :(