Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Today I'm thankful to all those that have helped get me to the start line this Sunday!  I could not have done this alone.

In no particular order:

My Sister - for the inspiration to start running in the first place, for all the advice and answers, for the emails that said "I know you don't plan on running 1/2's or fulls, but just in case some day, here is some great info", for all the text's/emails before a race saying she would be thinking of me.  I'm never really running alone thanks to her.  :)

Jodi - for the training runs the first half of training, and getting me through 6 and 8 miles, which at the time really freaked me out.  :)  I miss running with you...I will be waiting for you when your ready to run again after baby #2.  :)

Elya - for running the first half of my two longest runs with me, and for being cool with when to talk and when to not.  You get a chance to know someone in a different way when you run and I can't wait for your ankle to heal and to start running with you again.

Amy (Jodi's sister) - for a while there I think Jodi was asking her sister questions every day between the two of us in our training.  Some of her advice has been a total game changer (in a good way) for my running comfort.  I hope I see her Sunday before the start so I can say hi.  Once we start though her pace is twice as fast as me and I know I won't see her on the course.

Bob and Michelle - for letting Sky spend the night Saturday (her first sleep over!) so that Mark and I can focus on getting ready and out the door Sunday morning.

Dad - for so much!  I have the most amazing running gear, some of it needed, some of it not totally needed but really nice to have.  For spending hours researching issues and advice and for the support.  Understanding the desire to push and see just how far I can take it.   

Random Peeps - there are countless people from stroller fitness/friends of friends that joined in on a walk or run here and there that offered encouragement and advice.  To friends that have said hey good job on the running I'm really proud of you.  To the fellow runners who give a wave or smile or have something nice to say when you pass them.  To the workers at Chambers Bay, I ran there so much the last few months that some of them have become familiar faces and they offered support when I was trying to finish my longest runs and they could tell I was not enjoying it like I was when I started there 2 hours earlier. 

My Husband - without his support and willingness to let me run baby free when I need to this would never have been possible.  He may not always like how I feel after the long runs, but he has encouraged me all the way no matter what.  I could have all the support in the world outside my home, but if I didn't have support in my home this never would have happened.

Sky - she is the best little running partner ever (up to 1 hour that is).  For the most part she is not cranky or fussy when I run.  I put her in the stroller and usually she falls asleep, but if not she is pretty happy to chill while I push her around.  No way all this training would have happened if she was not such an easy baby to run with.

I'm pretty sure I'm leaving some peeps out it's not intentional.  I'm thankful for every little bit of support I have received!  

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