Monday, August 20, 2012

4 Days In A Row!

I have run 4 days in a row.  They haven't all been long runs, but they have been runs.  I don't usually run back-to-back days like that.  I like to give my body, and my shoes (because I only ever have one pair of road shoes you are not supposed to run back to back in your shoes) and my washing machine a break. 

But, I have some races coming up to get ready for and I have had running partner offers and I hate to pass up a chance to run with people I enjoy running with.  So, back to back running has happened. 

Boy I felt it tonight.  From step one I had leg cramps, not bad and our pace was 30 second faster than normal, so obviously it wasn't bothering me that much, but still my legs were wondering why I was punishing them.  I was excited tonight that my pace was faster...I really want to PR my next race but I'm still about a minute a mile away from that happening.  That's a lot of time to shave, but I also know the more I run the easier it gets, and was glad to see some progress in the right direction tonight.  

I had another run scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, but I'm passing on that.  Sky and I will be at the zoo tomorrow, walking all over the place and I think my legs have earned a break. 

I was really excited yesterday because I ran 5 mile baby free and didn't stop to walk once!  That is a first for me.  There is always one hill or another that kicks my butt.  They still kicked my butt yesterday, but I didn't stop and walk until cool down time.  That's the great thing about running with someone.  Even if I would kill to stop and walk if the other person is still going, then I'm still going! 

So looking forward to fall. That's my absolute fave running weather!  I'm pushing through the heat and putting in some hot miles, but I'm ready for some cooler running weather for sure!  

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