Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rest Day

Today my goal was to chill with Sky, get some learning supplies to start ABC work and short, very short amounts of "school" time at her new table*, a few housekeeping tasks and reading time for me while she spent time with Grammy and Grandpy this afternoon. 

*After all she is only 16 months...I'm just laying ground work here for the future. I have been giving her and myself until she is 2 to start structured learning (it's still not going to be all that strict just more focused even if it's only in short bursts of time).  For now it's story time at the library, singing songs, reading books she enjoys, and using her toys and play time to naturally learn new skills.  I want to gradually get her used to sitting at her table so that when the time comes for more structured learning time it's not a shock to her. 

All was accomplished, and my legs thanked me for the break.  Tomorrow will be P90X Stretching, so basically another easy on my legs day, but still some activity.  

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