Monday, April 29, 2013

WHAT...there is no running crisus here!

First before I get to my running melt down, let me give you all a heads up that Amy will be doing another blog interview about running Boston!!! 

You may remember her Chicago interview from THIS post and THIS post as well. 

I hesitated for a bit to ask her to do the interview.  Mostly because I wanted to be sensitive to the fact that there is great tragedy associated with this years Boston Marathon.  I know it hit a lot of people hard, myself included.  I wanted to give people time to grieve, process, and have their chance to run in honor and support of Boston before asking Amy to do an interview. 

The fact that the bombing happened doesn't negate the fact that hundreds, if not thousands, of runners trained hard and worked their butt's off to not only get to Boston, but finish, and finish before the bombing's happened.  I know that this years marathon is about so much more than running, but some were able to do just that, run, run a once in a lifetime race for some, and finish.  I felt like it was worth recognizing the hard work my friend Amy put in, and get a first-hand account of what running one of the biggest marathons in the world is like. 

Stay tuned in the next days/week(s) for Amy's interview! 

On to my running crises.  I had a moment of realization today...when I'm feeling blah about running I tend to feel blah about everything!  I had a plan leading up to the start of 1/2 training, and due to some foot bruising and pain that plan has not worked out.  And, to top it all off the last few weeks I have been using the "it's my last chance to eat this/be lazy/not run/not work out before training start" excuse.  I have had writers block, and have needed more breaks from cooking/Sky/life than normal.  You know why...I have had plenty of opportunities to run, but have blown them off.  BOOO!!!  It makes me feel BOOO about life too.  Not for long though!   

I thought I had 2'ish more weeks to get my head right, but I don't.  I just realized today that training run #1 is next Tuesday night!!!  Holy crap, I'm running a 1/2 in 10'ish weeks!?  $hit.  No more time for a running crisis people...I have got to get my butt in gear and get it done for real, for myself, and for Michelle!!!       

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