Monday, May 6, 2013

It Begins...

10 weeks of everything I do or don't eat & drink, every workout I do or don't skip, every run I put my all into or half ass, every time I make time to stretch or decide to skip it...every little thing goes towards the condition I will be in lining up at the start line in 10 weeks. 

I am so excited!  I'm ready for this, ready for the runs, the non-drinking, lot's of water, tons of sunblock (given the 80+ weather we are May!), the black toenails, sore legs...all of it, I'm ready! 

I have a 3 week training cycle between 1/2 #1 and #2, and 8 weeks between #2 and #3, so basically my whole summer, every little thing counts! 

Today is a walk, tomorrow is the first run! 

Shout out"s:
-To Jenny who BQ'd at TCM (Tacoma City Marathon) yesterday!
-To Amy for pacing her running partner and helping her BQ! 
-To Josh for running his first race yesterday, 5 mile leg of a marathon relay leg, had a 9:30 ish average pace!  Already see on FB that he's talking about a 5K next! 
-Angela at Fleet Feet for fitting Josh, Bob, and Michelle for running shoes!  I love being able to recommend the store to friends and they go in and get exactly what they need!
-Mark for being on board with this whole training thing I'm doing and being on Sky duty for the long runs!

Backtrack to Saturday...Pics from Camano Island...

Sky and Daddy gazing at the sea.

She did not want her pic taken.  It's a new thing saying no when she sees the camera.

I wonder what she is thinking when she looks out at the water, does she think it's a huge bathtub?

Mark grilled hotdogs and mini peppers, we grabbed a bottle of wine and baked beans at the store.  Kind of perfect!

She LOVED throwing rocks in the water.  Spent a lot of time doing that with a big old grin on her face and giggling the whole time!  

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