Monday, October 21, 2013

"I Run, Run"

I think Sky may be more of a runner than I am.  She is constantly asking to "run, run".  She was not happy Saturday night when we left Grace's race, because she was having the time of her life running around the park while we waited.  Pretty sure she ran at least a mile.  All the way back to the car she kept saying, "no car, I run, run, no car".    

I'm going to use her love of running to my advantage this week!  She climbed out of her crib for the first time yesterday which means it's big girl bed time.  My plan is to tire her out with running so that bed time in the big girl bed = sleeping!  I do not want to deal with her emptying her dresser, closet and toy bin because she can get out of bed and play in the middle of the night. 

BTW - I almost wish someone had been hear to take a picture of the look on our faces when Sky walked into the living room after having been put in her crib.  I was sort of shocked even though we knew this day was coming.

No running today.  Plank challenge bumps up to 3 minutes today, and I was already struggling with 2.5, plus it doesn't help that Sky sits on my back while I'm planking.  I should get extra credit for that right?!  Anyway...plank challenge, foam rolling/trigger pointing for the hip, and some house cleaning on the schedule today. 

A few cute, mostly Sky pics, from the weekend. 

Cinnamon hard apple's the best! 
 Practicing her chopstick skills.
I'm really thankful that Sky is a good eater.  No matter where we take her she tries whatever we put in front of her.  She doesn't always end up liking it, but she always gives it at try.  And, if we are using chopsticks, then so must she!  
Bishop hugs.
Lastly check out one of my favorite blogs for a change to win a cool bracelet giveaway!  SkinnyChick Blog
Good Luck!    

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