Monday, June 2, 2014

Family Run and Fun in the Sun

I was pretty excited to get some trail time in Friday with my two favorite running partners!   

Running in a tutu!

I have a trail 10K this weekend, my first trail race in probably two years, and I have run on trails exactly once in the last year, so felt like I needed to get some trail miles before race day.   

I don't mind the slower pace of pushing the stroller, and letting Sky run if it means we are running as a family.  I love that she was pretty much yelling at us the whole time, "I run, let me out, I run too"!  I was a little devious in that I put off letting her out until we were on the way back home and about to take on the uphill section that kinda sucks.  The less weight in the stroller the better!

She made it almost all the way up the hill for a total of about .6 or .7 of a mile, not bad for little legs!  I could tell she was getting tired and I asked her several times if she wanted in the stroller and she said no and worked her way up most of the hill!  So proud of her!

After our family run we decided to relax and enjoy the sun with a sushi picnic in the park, and spray park fun!

 I think she's yelling Sushi, or maybe cheese and sprinkles I forget now.

 Not a bad view!

If there's water she has to be in it!

 Always running! 
 She was freezing by this point, it was sunny, and warm'ish, but not hot and after 7pm, so cooling down.

Cargo nets are her playground challenge is seems.  She is drawn to them, but has a hard time with them.  Thankfully she's determined enough to keep trying until she climbs it...usually.  This one was curved and much bigger than she's used to, so in the end she didn't make it very far, but she tried and tried! 

I got a good 4 mile solo training run in yesterday.  Pace isn't what it needs to be (it's within striking distance though), but it's the first week of training, and it felt harder than I would like, but again it's the first week.  It was a really good reminder that I need to take training a bit more serious and pay attention to what I'm eating and drinking.  If I'm going to hit my goal with this next race I need to pull it together and not just log training miles!

I'm looking forward to the 10K this weekend, and it fits perfectly into the training schedule since my "long" run this week is 6 miles!  Just under 1,000 feet of elevation gain, never mind it's the last mile, gotta love an uphill finish :-/ but I'm looking forward to it all the same! 

Totally random question...

What is one "odd" running habit you have?
I can't run if I haven't brushed my mouth has to feel clean and fresh for a run.  I have no idea why.  I have many more odd habit's but if I shared all of them no one would want to be my friend.  :)

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