Monday, November 10, 2014

The Big 40!!!

Someone had a birthday this past weekend...a really big one!!!  Mark said Peace Out 39...Hello 40!

Don't worry no mushy birthday message here.

It's sort of a multiple weekend event with a weekend trip/wine event this coming weekend.  But, since his actual birthday was on Sat the 8th we just had to make the most of it, and celebrate two weekends in a row!  

Saturday was all about whatever he wanted to do.  Started with a warm breakfast and coffee then we headed down to Cabelas so he could spend his birthday $$.  Looks like Sky is going to be a bow hunter just like Daddy!  

Later in the evening we had kiddo free dinner with good friends!   

Almost everyone in the pic.  I'm not going to name the restaurant because while the food and drinks were good there were issues with the experience.  I know a party of 13 is a lot to deal with, but still a few things could have been handled better.  I'm reserving judgment on this place until Mark and I can go just the two of us and see what a "normal" experience is.  

After a late evening out we spent the rest of the weekend in pj's, watching football, and just hanging out.  

I totally don't mind driving the babysitter home in the morning when it means there is a Starbucks on the way!  It wasn't an unreasonably late night, but late enough that I needed a little pick me up. 

I love football days, but Sky gets a bit board by the Sunday Night game.  We started out by building her a fort and letting her watch movies while we watched football.  She was so cozy and content!   

From there she moved onto selfies with my phone, and Legos.  I pretty much suck at Legos, but Mark was building helicopters, boats, people, castles etc and Sky was knocking them down as fast as she could.  

I'm much better with Lincoln Logs!  I can build a mean log cabin with those bad boys! 

Legos or Lincoln Logs?  
I don't remember ever having Legos as a kid (sad I know, also I could be totally wrong).  I do remember Lincoln Logs though, and I loved them!

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