Monday, December 22, 2014

Happy Mail!

I have always loved getting mail. Even though most of the time it's bills and nothing super exciting I still go to the mail box every day with the anticipation that there is going to be something simply amazing waiting for me.

It's a bit sad really that we are in an age of sending emails or posting messages on FB rather than mailing cards and letters. I'm guilty of it as well, so that's not criticism at all.

It really struck me though when I helped go through my grandparents stuff. Both Grandma's kept every single card, letter, picture, and note that any of the grand kid's gave them. It was cool, odd, a little sad, and yet made me smile to see those letters and pictures from my 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 year old self. It also made me realize how meaningful these "silly little" things are, and it made me want to do something to reach out in a non-technology way.

Let's be honest though, life is busy, for everyone. It is so much easier to post an update on FB to keep the masses up to date on life, or to post a public "get well", "I love you", "I'm thinking of you" than it is to write a note, find a stamp, and then mail it. Especially when your mail carrier has asked you not to put outgoing mail in you mail box because it falls onto the ground every time they open the mail box (we have a special locking box so the lid has a clip that is too big to hold single outgoing letters). Which means having to drive to the closest mail drop box or the post office. Grrr.

It was an idea that got filed away as something I wanted to do, but just didn't have time for. I decided to be ok with just sending text photos, and posting on IG and FB for everyone to see.

But, finally there is a "real" mail option available that I've fallen in love with! The ladies over at A Beautiful Mess partnered with Studio Calico to offer several A Beautiful Mess products to the masses. One of the items is a monthly subscription to Happy Mail!

For $15 a month you can subscribe and receive $50 worth of carefully curated and designed stationary that you can then turn around and send out into the world! I had so much fun with my first shipment. As I looked at each card, postcard, and fun art/crafty items if someone popped into my head I instantly addressed it and put a stamp on it. I'm sure a few people were thinking what the heck this is strange when they opened their mail last week, but it made my heart happy to send off some fun Happy Mail to friends and family.

I didn't get to send stuff to everyone so no one get's to have hurt feelings. Over the months when the perfect thing comes along for the perfect person they will get theirs! :) Plus, some of it is so cute that it deserves to be placed in a frame and hung as art, so some I will be keeping for myself. Selfish I know.

I also love that it's not "just" cards or postcards. The December shipment had stickers, "made by" tags, and a Places We've Been map that we are using to track our adventures as a family of 3.

As you can see we have a lot of ground to cover, and that's just in the US. Again, we are only tracking places the 3 of us have been together (Mark & I individually and together have been way more places than this map indicates). Driving through does not count either, we are only putting a location on the map if we actually spent time there. And, I accidentally put FL on there...Sky and I went without Mark, although all 3 of us have been there, just not together.

This map is actually meant to be cross stitched, even though it's paper, but I ain't got time for that! I'd rather take the time to mail out Happy Mail than cross stitch my paper map. So pinpoints it is, but you can check out the cross stitch idea Here. It's a cute idea, but the other issue I have with it is just because you visit one part of a state does not mean you know all that state has to offer. WA is vastly different from one side to the other, so I wanted to be able to pinpoint a bit more accurately the places in each state we've been.

I think the perfect spot for it is the refrigerator because travel, adventure, exploring are important to Mark and I, and are part of our family values. I want to see it every day to remind us to keep exploring, and remember the adventures we've already had!

P.S. If I send you Happy Mail I don't expect you to keep if for 80 years! :)

P.P.S This post is all my idea, I was not asked to post about it, or share the links. I just think it's a really great idea so had to share, and the quality of the products is really the best!

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