Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Santa Barbara Training

I sort of fell off my schedule the last few weeks with working out and running. Part of it is I have not loved this training plan from week 1. I got sick a few weeks into it and that derailed me as well. Add in that it just feels so much harder this time around and I have not been very enthusiastic about it.

Finding balance has been hard. How to fit in pilates/cross training, fitting in all the runs, what to do when the schedule falls apart and runs have to be shifted, balancing how many evenings I'm away from home for personal running, Jamberry, run group, board meetings. Factor in it just feels hard this time around. I'm doing it, but I do not like how I feel while I'm doing all adds up to just feeling blah about the whole thing.

Don't get me wrong, I'm over the top excited about the opportunity to travel to SB, with Michelle, visit with my sister in law and her family, sneak away kiddo free, and run a race I've had my eye on for years. I  just wish I wasn't coming off a car accident, and that is wasn't taking so much recovery effort between runs to keep me running.

Spending a lot of time with my legs up the wall after runs.

The good news is I feel like I can run 13.1. I'll finish. I don't know that I will run the goal pace. A lot depends on the sun/heat race day. We did our 10 miler in the sun Friday afternoon and my old issues with overheating are still alive and well. I may have to adjust my goal for the race, and choose to run smart for myself. 

I think that's what's frustrating me the most. While I know I can finish.,.I can always walk if I need to...I also know that I don't have the reserves to push as much as I have in the past. Pushing through being sick to my stomach, dizzy, faint, cramps...I feel like I'm already at max just running normal, so if anything crazy comes up it's not going to be good. I'm running cautious for sure. If I'm being completely honest I'm running a little bit scared. I just don't know what each run will bring, how I'll react to any variation in conditions, and it has shaken my confidence. 

Mentally I keep revisiting my running goal for the year. Have fun, listen to my body, care less about the numbers. Michelle has a goal, and I'm going to try and stick with her. our long training run indicate I can do it (I know she can, she's running really strong right now!). But, I'm also super ok with pulling the plug on it and finish by myself rather than hold her back. My #1 concern is not setting myself back by pushing more than my body is ready for. I'd much rather slow down and enjoy it than push more than I should. I mean it's wine country in SB, the views will be amazing and worth slowing down for. 

Not that I'm throwing in the hat, I'm going to work and fight for it, but I'm also going to be smart about it, that's all. My last half I may have hit my PR goal, but I wasn't smart about it and I do not want to feel that way again. 


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