Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Road Rage

It's not an emotion I usually deal with. I use my time in the car to listen to music that will energize me, calm me, make me smile, make me sing along, and just plain old makes me happy depending on where I'm headed and what I will be doing once I get there.

Traffic, no problem, I usually give myself enough extra time that I won't be late. Someone waits until the last minute to merge no problem I usually let them in. Sometimes I will admit I don't see the blinker in time, or should be paying better attention and don't let them in. Rear-end my car, yeah it's a problem, but I have never gotten mad at the driver...as long as everyone is ok I understand that mistakes happen.

But this morning I was ticked off! Some idiot was doing her eye liner while driving 70 on the freeway and swerving all over, almost hitting me! I tell you now stupid woman doing your make up in the car...if you ever hit me because you are doing your make up I will get out of the car and kick your ass!

To the woman in front of me on the off ramp, talking on your phone, and not paying attention to the light...get off the phone...it is against the law to talk and drive!

Lastly, to the jay walker who had dark skin, dark clothing and dashed out between 2 black cars...you are lucky my breaks work! I couldn't see you until you were almost on the hood of my car, and who would expect a person to come flying at them in the middle of a busy block with no cross walk and you were crossing the street against traffic.

By the time I got to work I was ready to run the next stupid pedestrian and/or bad driver over! Good thing I was not in my husband big old truck or it just may have happened!

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