Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Proud Aunt!!!

I am such the proud Aunt! My 6 and 8 year old nieces ran a 5K trail run this past weekend and did awesome!!! Emma, the 8 year old, has run a few races before, but this was Sophie’s first trail run, and I think her first 5K as well.

These little ladies have so much determination and support from my sister and her husband that they can’t help but be successful! They both finished top of their age division and Emma finished 57th out of 127th overall! My sister said that once the race started Emma took off and she didn’t see her again until the finish. She was out there running with the adults by herself like it was nothing.

I am not a runner, never have been and never will be so it amazes me that my sister and brother-in-law run marathons, but it amazes me even more that the kids love running as well!
So proud of them all!

Pics are out of order...this is Sohpie, my sister, and Emma after the race.

Sophie...looks like she is having a rough time. Beth said Soph was not happy to find the downhill was harder than the uphill...her little legs were shot!

Emma off and running with a smile!

Sophie and Beth on the trail.

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