Monday, October 3, 2011

Weekend Round Up

This weekend was a little crazy, because our power was turned off Friday afternoon.  Mark was working on re-wiring the house, so the city turned off the power.  That meant Sky and I packed up and spent the night with Bob and Michelle.  Always fun spending time with them, and Sky LOVES Grace and Kiers.

The more attention they pay her the bigger her smile!

Sky and I want to a martial arts competition, shopped a little and spent Saturday afternoon watching college football with the Beckham's.  I cooked taco's and Mark was able to join us after he was done.

The best part was that the city turned our power back on Saturday evening, and we didn't have to wait until Monday afternoon like we thought we would.

I was thankful Sky and I got to come home, sleep in our own beds and chill on the couch all day watching football with Mark.  

I have discovered that I need about 3 more Steelers onesies to get through a whole Sunday of football.  Sky spits up on them faster than I can wash them!

I have also discovered that I do know how to watch the Steelers lose and not yell my head off...Sky doesn't like the yelling so much. 

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