Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Today I'm thankful for my friend Jodi!  She helps me be a less-stressed mommy!  Since Reagan and Sky are the exact same age when Sky is going through a phase, or I'm wondering if it's time to do this or that with her, I can talk it out with Jodi on our weekly walk and we can figure it out.  The girls are pretty close to going through the same things at the same time, so it's nice to know someone else is going through almost the exact same things I am! 

I love too that while we are pretty similar in our mommy style we do enough things different that we can try each others ideas when what we are doing isn't working as well as we thought it would. 

Mommy stuff aside Jodi is kind, crafty (arts and crafts that is), funny, and zero drama!  I love that she is up front with what she is thinking/feeling.  I have really come to treasure our weekly walks and play time for the girls.

Thank you Jodi for being the outgoing one in class who came up introduced yourself and had my number in your phone before I knew what was going on!    

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