Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cold Morning Run

The stroller group run this morning was cold, cold, cold, and icy!  It wasn't until 1/2 way through and watching my fellow runners slide down a hill that I realized that maybe we should not have been running.  Let along pushing our babies in strollers. 

Anyway.  I got a little speed work in.  I hung back to make sure my couch to 5K'ers were ok running together and knew the route and then decided to sprint, with the stroller, up hill, on ice for a long time.  I could see them for a long time, could see I was catching them, but slowly, so I just kept chugging away.  My goal was to catch them before the hill at UPS and I did!

I don't usually care about the weather when it comes to running.  I run rain, shine, cold, snow whatever.  But I will say that I will be very happy to see the ice and bitter cold go. 

It has been so cold that the only lock on my car I can get unlocked is the hatch, so have had to crawl in the hatch to reach up and unlock one of the back doors.  Pry the back door open, then unlock and pry one of the front doors open. 

Thankfully I have awesome cold weather running gear though!

Backtracking a bit...walked with Jodi Monday, and let's just say the girls were not feeling it on the way home.  Total melt-down.  Sky wouldn't let me near her without escalating it, so I did what I could...I took a picture. 

 I think we are done walking for a bit.  Until the weather is nice enough to use Sky's wagon for the girls we are going to stick to play time at Jodi's or Frog n Kiwi...they are much happier that way. 

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