Monday, December 16, 2013

Snuggles, Sniffles, and Not Much Sleep

This is what last night looked like.  She is so plugged up and "Mommy, nose hurts" that she couldn't sleep.  I would hold her until she fell asleep, but every time I put her back in her bed she would wake up crying.
Thankfully I was able to sleep on and off while she slept, so I'm tired today, but not overtired.

I finally realized that in addition to not being able to breath while laying down, she is scared of the humidifier, so I turned it off.  It's a catch 22 because she is scared of it, but it helps her feel better.  Not sure how to get around that issue.  I also wised up sometime early this morning and put her in her bed, laid on the floor next to her and held her hand until she fell asleep.  That way I didn't wake her up transferring her, and I was able to sleep for a few hours in my own bed.

Needless to say all of today's plans are cancelled.  I'm totally ok with that.  We are both tired, she is obviously really sick, and it's raining.

I was going to stick her in the stroller and get 3 to 4 easy, slow miles in, but my knee has really been hurting, like has me worried hurting, since the race Saturday.  Another day of stretching, foam rolling, and not running is probably a good idea.  Especially since I'm probably too tired to pay attention to form today.  Instead I plan on lining up her favorite movies, and setting up a little playground under the covered entry.  Even though she's sick, she gets sick of sitting around, and has energy to burn.

A few pictures from our play break between football games yesterday.      


I can't really get her to eat much (she really is sick because this kid eats everything we give her!) so I'm relying on some of her favorites: string cheese, crackers (low sodium), and black olives.  Just trying to keep her hydrated and get some food in her tummy.  She didn't even eat the chocolate chip pancakes I made yesterday, what kid passes those up?!   

Thankfully it's a quiet week for the most part.  We are able to lay low and focus on getting better so we can get out of quarantine in time for Christmas!  

Anyone else a fantasy football player?  

I have a 17 point lead, but my opponent has Smith going tonight.  If I can just hold on I'll be in the championship game!!!  The Steelers not only got it done on the field, they got it done for me in fantasy football.  Bell, Brown, and Big Ben did what I needed them to, ok Ben could have got a few more points, but the other two did great!  

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