Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Today's Thankful Thursday is just a little bit sad, because it's time to say goodbye to someone Sky and I both adore! 

Bye, bye Liz, we are going to miss you!

Liz is the store manager (until tomorrow) at Fleet Feet Sports Tacoma and has been so much fun to work with, and get to know.  I'm sad because I'm going to miss seeing her smiling face every week, and I know Sky is going to miss her too!  There are a few people at the store that Sky is attached to, but Liz is the one she talks about the most I think.  Every Wednesday morning when I get her out of bed the first thing Sky talks about is seeing Liz.  Sky brings her name up at really random times during the week as well, so I know Liz is a big deal in Sky's world! 

A few of my favorite things about Liz:
-She always has a smile, always!
-I have never, not once, ever heard her complain or say anything the lest little bit negative.
-She is an amazing cheerleader, and gets excited for even the smallest, simplest accomplishments by others.  
-The organization skills and level of perfection in her work!
-The support she has given the stroller group, advice, help, and scheduling vendors to visit the group has been really amazing!
-She listened to me worry, and stress over my summer running goals and offered great advice and support to get my mind in the right spot!
-The fact that she gets down on hands and knees and plays with all the kiddos from stroller group.  She talks to them on their level, and gets so excited over their new skills and accomplishments from week to week. 

For me personally Liz has offered so much running life advice, and has shared information that she thought would be helpful.  The constant support and genuine excitement about my accomplishments has been truly amazing.  I'm running the strongest I ever have, and am the most confident I have even been in my running.  Liz has played a big part in me reaching a happy running place and for that I will always be thankful!   

Even though I'm sad for myself, I am happy for her!  She is moving back home to be close to family as she takes on her next big adventure...Med School!  I'm so excited to see the direction her life takes as she moves through this world! 

Liz, I'm thankful for having the opportunity to get to know you, and work with you!  Know that you have made a difference in my life, in Sky's life, and in getting the stroller group to where it's at right now!

Thank you for being you!  

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