Saturday, January 18, 2014

Justin Timberlake and Martini's

That's really all I need to say for you to know how last night went down!  

I had too so much fun with Michelle!  The last time I was out dancing until 2am we got the call at 6am to head to the hospital for Sky's birth!  It doesn't happen often, but when it does we sure have fun! 

Mr. JT (I will forever call him Mr. after last night!) turned Key Arena into the biggest, best dance club in Seattle! Easily the best concert I've been too period.  You have to respect an artist who doesn't even need an opening act!  That's kinda bad a$$!  3 hours of JT on stage dancing and singing his heart out, and Michelle and I dancing and singing right along with him. 

So very thankful I got to go to this concert with her.  We have talked about seeing him for years, through all the years that he stepped away from music even.  We hoped that he'd tour again some day and it was hard to not have tickets when it finally did happen.  So, thank you Bob for being an awesome husband and getting Michelle tickets, and thank you Michelle for inviting me to go with you! 

We were in Seattle a little after 4, concert wasn't until 8 (but started an hour was 9 or a little after when Mr. JT hit the stage), so we hit up a martini bar and killed some drinks time. 

I LOVE a good dirty martini!

We caught up with our friends Alex and Abi during a 10 minute intermission, this was her first concert and a gift from Alex.  She was enjoying herself!

Bottom Right is the view of the stage from our seats.  I loved that we were directly out from the stage.  The white part behind the stage was video screens that sadly were mostly graphics and lights, not very many shots of JT on stage live.  Usually that would really irritate me at a show, but JT was so darn entertaining and engaging with the crowd that it didn't bother me at all.  He's just so dang cool, confident, and sexy (without being arrogant) that it was just fun to be there and enjoy the music. The picture on the Left is one of the only times he was up on the video screen.  Upper Right is what it looked like during the show.  

A bridge like part of the stage was on a track and moved to the back of the floor seats, and he did several songs from there.  We could see him a bit better from there since he was right below us.

The whole night was just a lot of fun.  I have to say it was really fun being in Seattle two nights before the big playoff game with SanFran.  The energy and excitement over the Hawks was pretty fun to be part of, and JT even got into it leading cheers and giving a shout out to the players at the show.  

If you have a chance to see JT do it!!!  It's just him, his music and not much else.  Yes there were lights and graphics, but really it was kinda simple and just about him doing his thing, having fun and allowing us to watch him do it.  

What a great way to start the weekend!  

I hope everyone is having fun and enjoying the long weekend!  I love that Mark has MLK day off and Sky get's an extra day of Daddy time!   

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