Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Today I'm thankful that we have a second toilet again!!!

For those that are new to the blog the master bathroom has been in a state of remodel (as in totally demolished) for close to 2 years (2 1/2 months short of two years!).  It's been a roller coaster of a remodel with unexpected major repairs (like replacing all the pipes and rotted sub-flooring) to waiting and waiting for tile and other supplies to come in.  It's been one major hurdle after another, and way more $$ than budgeted for.  I guess I should really be thankful that we have a guest's allowed us to save up and work new expenses into the budget as we go.    

The upside is it's going to be the nicest, maybe most expensive, room in the house!  I'm excited to share pictures, but it's Mark's project so I'm waiting until he gives the green light on sharing.  

Anyway, the new toilet went in Monday, worked twice and then was plugged and no longer working by Tuesday morning.  Mark figured it was the wax seal he used and decided to pull the toilet and replace the seal with a different kind.  Only this is what he found when he pulled the toilet...

...apparently Sky wanted to "work" in the bathroom as well and left some tools behind.  I'm super thankful Mark has a great sense of humor and wasn't even mad.  He was cracking up when he walked out to show me what the problem was.  Mostly we are thankful it was toy screw drivers and nothing major, like bad plumbing.  This was an easy fix and within a few minutes we were back to a two toilet house!  We just have to keep Sky and her tool box out of there!

There is still a lot to be done in the bathroom, but at least there are two working toilets again...with a potty training tot in the house a second toilet is helpful!  Yes I'm totally aware that having two toilets is a first world problem...there are those that don't even have one.  I'm very thankful for the life I live and the home Mark works so hard to keep over our heads!

A few other things I'm thankful for today:
-Rain, because it means I'm not running in freezing, or below, temps like a lot of the country!
-That I managed an 8:06 mile with the Tuesday Night group and while I ended with positive splits I was under 9:30 the entire time.  It was way harder than it should have been, but I'm thankful the Holiday break didn't set me back too far!
-That my Aunt sent Sky's favorite coloring books that we left there.  I knew they were missing, but had no idea where they went.  I'm just glad she sent them back before Sky asked for them!
-That we have zero plans for the day.  Sky and I can do whatever we want (I'm thinking puddle stomping at the park) with zero plans/obligations.  I love having a free day and letting her direct what activities we do.
-That it's a Pilates day and not a running legs need the break!

Tell me one thing you are thankful for!  


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