Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Things I'm Thankful For Today:

-That there will be an interview with Amy right here on Broken Tequila this Monday!  It's really fascinating to do an interview pre big race (i.e. Boston!), it will be interesting to talk to her after for comparison.  So excited for her, and you all are going to love reading her thoughts going into Boston!

-That while Sky was a bit eccentric today she was a champ through 3'ish hours of grocery shopping.

She insisted on wearing her blanket on her head through 3 grocery stores today.  Perfectly pleasant, laughing and talking...just with a blanket on her head.

-That while almost 3 is so challenging it's also pretty fascinating and entertaining!

-That I'm ok with the fact that despite being the mom of an almost 3 year old, I will probably still never understand how almost 3 year old minds work.  

-For my foam roller and peg board...they are the only things keeping my hip and shoulder in check (not picking Sky up would probably fix it all, but when she asks me to hold her and pick her up I just can't say no!). 

-Trader Joes Margarita mix.

-adidas tater tot cute is this?! 

Found at Costco!
-Breakfast this morning! 

I love runny yolk eggs with Penzeys Mural of Flavor sprinkled on top. 

-For all the amazing recipes I get from my cookbooks.  I'm lucky to have a hubby and tot that enjoy food adventures.  It's justification for all the cookbooks!  

  This is just a small sample of the collection.

-I haven't mentioned it here I don't think, but Mark is close to completing a kennel remodel for Bishop...that means we are close to being able to get him back form his sister Amy.  I'm so grateful that she agreed to Bishop sit for us...I know he's in great hands.  But, we miss him, and Sky asks about him at least once a day. 

-That my sister got Sky a stuffed puppy dog that looks a lot like Bishop, because it's what's getting Sky through him being gone.  She hugs "Baby Bishop" and tells him she loves him every day.

-That I get to see Elya tomorrow!  I'm so looking forward to seeing my friend and helping out with her kiddos that have the day off from school/baby time.  Bonus...Sky gets to tag along and have a play date as well!  

-No late season snow storms in the PNW.  I feel for the folks that are getting yet more snow.  

What are you thankful for?





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