Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thankful Thursday

A few things I'm thankful for today:

-How much she loves swimming and the progress she's making.

-Thankful I even got this shot...kid and dog = constant motion. Those two have a bond for sure. 

-My two loves and celebrating our 11 year anniversary together.'s the highlight of the week for her. It's a blurry pic because she's running non-stop the entire time. 

-My garden is producing! Lot's of tomatoes, which I don't even like, but Sky loves checking on them every day and harvesting. Thankfully Mark and Sky both like eating them. 

-Thirsty Dash with Elya and Michelle tonight! Haven't done a fun race in a while, and it's a bit cooler today. 

-Lot's of play time at the park, and play dates. Keeping our summer fun. 

What are you thankful for?

P.S. - I had much more to share but once again blogger isn't working with my photos and they won't upload for some reason. So, I've been feeling like a change was in order for the blog anyway, so I'm working on a whole new blog on a whole new platform. Time to move on I think. 

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