Monday, March 4, 2013

Chill Monday

Pretty relaxed day at home today.  So want to be running right now, the sun is amazing, but resting the legs from yesterday's run, and more importantly resting my foot. 

Plus, have an IRB meeting tonight and a few research studies to review, so working on that as well. 

Since Sky is still sick, and we are house bound so as not to share germs, Tina cam over and visited with us.  It has been way, way too long since catching up with her, and it was nice to just sit and talk.  Plus she is a nurse, so knows how not to catch Sky's cold.  :)

A little late lunch after her nap...

Ham, rice crackers, cheese, apple, and's how to kill a cold.

Want to give a shout out to our nephew Jordan who leaves today for basic training, with the AF, in TX.  It's a new chapter in his life with new adventures ahead, and I wish him all the best! 

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