Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful that Jodi let's me make a mess in her kitchen!  For play date today I thought it sounded like fun to bake something, so we gave these Strawberry Shortcake Muffins a go, and they look kinda funny, but taste pretty good. 

Since I forgot the plain Greek yogurt at home we used her strawberry honey Greek yogurt instead, and we used frozen strawberry's and ended up blending them into the mix since they were wet.

The verdict, they don't taste bad, they don't taste particularly strawberry flavored though.  They are a little spongy, not sure that's the right word, but I'm going with it. 

It's a breakfast muffin and the whole point was for us to have quick and easy options in the morning and these totally fit the bill.  I think the girls ate 3 of them which makes them a hit with the toddler crowd!  I'm a fan of anything that makes life with a 21 month old quick and easy! 

I'm also thankful that everyone was healthy enough for a play date.  It had been a few weeks and we were all missing each other! 

Sky pic for the day...

 Naked with a hat, how she spends 90% of her time around the house.  And, I know that with a diaper on she isn't totally naked, but last time I let that happen she peed on the carpet so for now diapers are a must.  It's close enough to naked to make her happy and that's all that matters.

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