Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Captain Sky

We started the day with play time for Sky at Frog N Kiwi.  It was raining, and the counter install was going on in the master bath (so f'ing excited to have the master bath done sometime soon!), since Sky isn't always a fan of strangers in her space I though getting her out of the house would be a good idea.  Actually, she ended up being way interested in the install and wanted to help the guy, so was good she was not underfoot the whole time! 

Her favorite thing to play on this time around...

...I think she felt like the Captain of the playroom up there.  She jumped off and climbed back up over and over and over. 

The best part was it wore her out and she took a super long nap!  While I wish that meant I got to drink champagne and eat bon-bons it actually meant I had 3 hours to clean out and re-organize my closet.  Every time we decide to downsize on the big pieces of furniture (in this case I'm listing the Thomasville Hutch in the living room) it means I have to find somewhere to put the stuff that said large pieces of furniture store. 

I was able to get rid of enough stuff and more compactly organize the shelving in my closet to make room for all the scrapbooks, books/novels I won't let go of, and all the candles and holders.  We plan on openly displaying the chotchkies in the hutch.  We make a point of getting local art when we travel, so we have some pretty cool pieces, but they are sort of hidden in the hutch.  Mark has a great idea for unique shelving in the living room to display some of the stuff.  And, we are ready to ditch some stuff we have on the walls currently so will replace them with some of the cool stuff from our travels. 

Finished the day turning in 3 miles with the run club.  It felt so GREAT to be back!!!  I knew it was going to be hard, but I got it done and while my legs are dying trying to get back into the running groove they felt stronger than I expected. 

It was so nice to catch up with my running friends and get up to speed on what is going on.  I really missed the store and running groups while we were gone.  They have become such a part of my life every week that I really missed it. 

Bring on the stroller group and our new route tomorrow morning!!!   

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