Sunday, September 22, 2013

Firs Day Of Fall!

I ordered my first hot Mocha today in at least 5 months.  It's that time of year.  Holy moly yesterday was still summer and it was a sunny lovely day.  Today is Fall and it's cool and raining like crazy.  Gotta love living in the PNW.  I was holding on to the last little bit of summer with both hands, but now that it's officially fall...bring on the boots, Pumpkin Spice latte's/Salted Caramel mochas, trench coats, hats, gloves and scarves!

Good thing I got this top Thursday night!! 

I sort of thought I was being silly and girly insisting on wearing it today for my 8 miler...I didn't really think it was cold enough.  But, I wanted to wear my new top.  Good think I did wear it though, it was a cold, wet run.  The long sleeves, knee socks and skirt combo ended up being perfect.  Started out a little cold, finished a little warm, but not overheated. 

If the forecast is for cooler/wet weather race day this is the outfit.  If it's just cooler but no rain then I'll go with a t-shirt otherwise I will get too hot.

Feels good to have the last "long" run done!  I'm excited for race day!  Mostly I'm excited that I'm going into the 3rd one feeling this healthy and strong.  Absolutely the most confident I have felt going into a 1/2!  Not that I think I'm going to blaze through, on the contrary it's a hilly course and I wont' be surprised if this is a significantly slower race for me, but I'm not worried about anything either.  Not worried about hills, weather, any of the mental stuff I had after the first disaster of a 1/2, blisters, aches or pains.  I feel really good, love running this time of year, and Michelle and I have run some of the hilliest routes I have ever done.  I feel like we have given ourselves the best opportunity possible to have a fun run and accomplish our ultimate goal of Half Fanatic!  Bring on RACE DAY!!!!!  

Sky seems to be doing better today.  Her nose isn't nearly as runny, and only has a little bit of a cough.  Still taking it easy just to give her time to rest and recover.  Stickers have proven to be an amazing sit still activity! 

Part of why it keeps her quiet for so long is it's really hard for her to peal the stickers off with her casted hand, and she doesn't want help most of the time.  BTW - $1 store sticker books are the bomb!  She loves the Cars one!  I'm going to go get more because she is asking for stickers all the time now.

Since it's so yucky outside it really is the perfect "watch football all day" weather!  Any other season I would be thrilled that the Steelers are on Sunday Nigh Football, but with all the injuries, and other issues they are having, I don't see the game going our way tonight.  I'll still watch, but I'm more stressed than excited about it. 

Any other football fans out there?  What game are you watching? 

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