Sunday, September 1, 2013

I'm Back!

It's been a while!  It just got too hard to try and blog while on vacation with limited access, so I gave up. 

I do realize though that my last post included the link for the hike we were doing, a hike that people  have died on!  It probably wasn't very nice not to post that we made it there and back. 

Here is a pick from the hike...

I can't wait to get my hands on Mark's photo's, not only from Angels Landing, but the whole vacation! 
For now it's time to get back to normal life, which includes running!  I managed two runs in two weeks, not nearly enough given I'm still in the middle of a training cycle.  Michelle and I are taking on 9 hilly miles tomorrow...I expect it to be very unpleasant.  But, have to get it done! 
Some random road-trip pics from my phone:
 View from the road.
 Sky hiding between the refrigerator and wall.
 Loved how the clouds looked!
 Lot's of clouds, hills and long straight road.
 Sky enjoying a "trading post".
 Motel 6 in Bishop, CA is very stylish.  Nicest one we stayed in the entire trip!

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