Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Negative Splits!!!

That never happens for me, like never!!!  But, it did tonight!!!  2.88 (I forgot to start my watch until I was a few blocks in) miles all under 9:31 and each one faster than the one before.  I needed 5, but I can't hang with the 5 mile group for 5 miles at a sub 8 pace, so decided to run with the 3 mile group instead.  I'm willing to push hard for 3 miles. 

It was hard towards the end but I got it done. Skipped compression and my shins were hurting.  A few other things were hurting too, hip, knee, foot.  I really feel like it was a combo of slacking on the foam roller the last few days, and not wearing the Boost shoes.  I still have two new (ish) pairs of good running shoes that have about 400 miles each to go before they are dead.  So I'm rotating through all 3 and saving the Boost for the long runs.  But, man the other shoes just don't feel as good as they did pre-Boost!

Cute Sky pics...

 Playing with Daddy.
Play To Learn started up again today.  It was all about apples.  Sky examined her slices under the magnifying glass for about two seconds and then started chowing down.  She did great though, especially during circle/singing time.  She has never liked that part very much in the past, but this time around she was in to it.  I have been singing her two favorite songs all summer though, so she was excited to hear them in class today.  

Stroller run in the morning and I'll admit I'm looking forward to running stroller pace.  :)

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