Monday, December 29, 2014

I'm Going to Miss Our Tree!

It's always a little sad when Christmas is over because I love the reason for the season. The kindness and goodwill, time with family and friends, and even though it's a busy time it's also time to slow down and focus on things other than the daily grind. It's a nice break from "real" life. 

It also goes along with the end of the NFL regular season, which is sad. I love playoffs and the SB and all that, but the end of regular season means I'm at loose ends Sunday and Monday nights, and once playoffs are over I'll have to be productive on Sunday's again as well. :-/ 

Even though I love Christmas once it's done, it's done. Dec 26th all the decoration came down, the house got put back to normal, and the tree came down between games on Sunday. Technically the tree is still up, but it's naked, and sad, and I want it to go completely away now. I'm that way with life in general, once something is done, I'm over it and moving on. No looking back, bring on whatever is next.

We enjoyed the outdoor tree more than I thought we would. I was a little sad about not having our inside one this year, but once the courtyard tree went up it was the best thing ever!

 Enjoying the last Egg Nog latte of the year.
 Spiked Hot Chocolate!

 The thing I'll miss the most is snuggling with Sky looking at the lights. Silas enjoyed it as well.

Now it's time to look to New Years Eve and the New Year. I actually have no idea what we are doing this year for NYE, if anything. In years past we hosted a PJ NYE Party. But, now that we host Christmas dinner/gift exchange that's too much large party planning too close together, so we haven't been doing the NYE party. Last year we stayed home just the 3 of us, and were in bed long before midnight. May sound lame, but it's actually really nice not to be overly tired/hung over when the tot gets up at the the same early hour no matter what. 

I suppose I had better nail down my resolutions. I don't usually make NY Resolutions, but this year there are a few changes/things I want to work on that are ready to happen now, so this year there are resolutions. Just general ideas right now, but I'm listing them out and making them specific to ensure success! 

Resolution #1 is to find a new background for photos...the tree was pretty perfect!


A few random pics from the last several days...............

Sunday morning run. The good news is that while I have constant accident related pain, the last few runs have not made it worse, and things seem to be holding steady. I'm slowly upping the number of runs per week and will start adding a mile or two every other run to see what happens. Keeping an easy pace seems to be helping.

Sadly Sky ended up with a pretty nasty little cold. We made it through Christmas day, but she was overdone by the time we left the parents house. We had an opportunity to have some family photos done a few days later and were keeping our fingers crossed Sky would feel up to it. Thankfully she held it together through the morning photo session and lunch after (yes we bribed her with lunch out and cake if she listened and cooperated for the photos). Judge if you must, but it worked and we got some great photos! She was done though, crashed on the way home, slept for hours and was cranky as all get out the rest of the day. It was totally worth it...can't wait to see the proofs!

If you like Chipotle flavor you need to try this sauce! Super easy...I sauteed up a batch of fajita veggies and steak using only salt and pepper then added this sauce to let is simmer a bit, heated up some corn tortillas and added guacamole and it was really good! It has now become a pantry staple for us!

Sky is all about tea parties, so this tea set has proven to be one of her favorite gifts of the season! It's tea party time all the time around here! :)

My favorite kind of Christmas morning sparkle!
We may have added another tradition to our Christmas...Sushi for Christmas Eve dinner! It was totally spur of the moment, totally yummy, and totally a nice treat to not have to cook dinner that evening. It was also the perfect break from the "normal" food of the season. After that we found pretty lights to look at, and even found a house that does a free display set to music. We tuned in and listened for a bit and then headed home to watch Christmas Movies.

They ran and played in the yard and tired each other idea of a perfect afternoon at home = all three of them tired and resting in peace. 

Mommy, mommy, Silas is sitting with me...hurry take our picture! They have been cuddling watching cartoons together all morning. 

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