Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Picture free post because I didn't ask permission to post a picture of the person this post is about

Today's Thankful Thursday is just a little bit sad.  Sad because it's time to say goodbye to someone I'm thankful for every week. 

Jena, the manager of Fleet Feet, until tomorrow, is moving on to a dream job!  I'm so excited for her because it sounds like an amazing opportunity and she is really excited.  Not only is it the perfect job for her, but it works well for her personal life as well. 

Brooks Running is lucky to have her!

So many things about Jena that I'm thankful for! 

-Her support and guidance in getting the stroller group up and running, and walking! 

-The complete and undivided attention she gives Sky when we're in the store. 

-Being the first person to fit me into the one and only running bra for me!

-Knowing which lines I love and pointing out the new items the second I walk in!

-The fact that she is herself an elite runner but you'd never know it unless someone else told you/you found out some other way than from her.

-That while she is a strong, fast, competitive runner she treats everyone like their accomplishments are a really big deal, and like they are elite themselves.

-In a world that sets ladies up to be competitive with each other she is willing to be everyone else's cheerleader.

Thank you Jena for helping me settle into leading the stroller group.  I'll admit I felt like I was getting in over my head and like I wasn't enough of a "real" runner to lead anyone else on a run.  Your support and enthusiasm of the group and of me made a world of difference.  Thank you for being so wonderfully you!  Sky and I will miss you, but we are so excited to see all that you accomplish with Brooks! 

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