Monday, February 15, 2010

Long Weekend

I love having a long weekend with Mark! Friday night we chilled at home and watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics.

A little known thing about me is how much I love the Olympics. Mark and I got married during the Summer Olympics, during monsoon season in Sedona, AZ. When it rains during monsoon season you don't go outside (unlike here in WA...if we wait to go out when it's not raining you will never go outside!) so during the storms we would curl up in the condo and watch CBC's coverage of the Olympics. By-the-way CBC's coverage is better than anyone elses! Anyway, ever since then I love watching the Olympics with Mark because it reminds me of our wedding/honeymoon!

Saturday was the Baby Shower, and Michelle did a great job of pulling together a very nice shower for us. We got some really cute stuff and some useful stuff. (Pictures to follow once I get them from my Mother-in-Law.) After the shower Mark and I were able to go and get some of the things we needed, but had not received. Just so the universe is aware...we are totally ready for a baby. Bring on the baby any time...the sooner the better!

Sunday we ran a few errands, made a quick visit to Nolan, Michelle, and Koltan and then instead of going out for V-Day, we watched a movie and I tried out a new recipe.

Today - Monday we Letterboxed at the park with Bob and Devin. Davin and his Dad Josh set up the letterbox clues we were following and Devin wanted to tag along to see the outcome of their hard work. We had fun, got a little dirty, slipped into a hole (Bob), but we followed all the clues and found everything we were suppose to. It was nice to get out of the house for a while. I'm thankful we did not get rained on. After letterboxing Devin came over for some X-box time and caught up on Modern Family...that is a funny show!

Now we are watching the evening coverage of the Olympics until we go to bed.

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