Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Running Casualty

I have had my first vanity related casualty...my toe ring. It's from Toe Jam in Hawaii and I have had it for 14 ish years. It is a real ring, not an adjustable one, and pure silver. I'm sad I have had to take it off, but after our run today it had dug in to my toe and was on the verge of becoming an open sore. So, I broke out the Windex and took it off. First time in all the years I have worn it, through hiking, running, classes at the Y, walks on the beach barefoot etc...that I have ever felt it, the fit has been so perfect that I NEVER feel it, but today I felt it. Safe to say that it will not be going back on my toe any time soon...if ever. Ok maybe when I'm on vacation and not doing any serious running. Sort of feels like I have taken a step towards being a "real" runner.

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