Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bored Yet?

Actually no I'm not, thanks for asking though.

Now that I'm a stay at home Mom I get that question All. The. Time.  It makes me crazy.  Why would I be bored staying home with the little person I love beyond words.  I could sit and watch her sleep all day and NEVER be bored.  

I wish I had time to sit and watch her sleep all day, but I don't. (Not that she sleeps all day anyway.)   It is way harder than I thought it would be getting all my chores done and getting my work outs in.  I even created a daily schedule for myself on our white board, and still I struggle to stay on task.

Sky is so much more awake during the day now.  She sleeps for an hour here and there, but when she is awake she is way more interactive.  She wants to talk and loves it when we play with her, talk to her, make faces at her etc.  That's why getting stuff done is so hard.  I think it's more important to pay attention to her and interact with her then do work around the house.  Thankfully she also needs her "alone" time.  She loves having the freedom to lay on her play mat and swat at her toys and talk to them.  She rolls all over the place and when she is done she lets me know.  I take advantage of her alone time and get as much done as possible.

Thankfully she loves her Bumbo chair.  I can put her in that and bring her in the kitchen with me and she is content to watch me work for a bit.  Or, I set her right outside the bathroom door and she watches me do hair and make-up. 

The best days are the days we get to stay home all day and not have to go anywhere.  They don't happen often, there are errands to run, appointments to keep, and play dates to be had, but when we do have a day home just the two of us it's wonderful.

I love being her mommy.  She does something new almost every day.  Sometimes it's a little thing, but to me they are all big important things.  I'm so thankful Mark was brave enough to let me not go back to work and stay home with our beautiful little girl, so I don't miss anything!

(I know the plan is for me to go back to work when she is 1, but secretly (or not so secretly now) I kind of hope we find that me staying home is more doable than we thought it would be and I can stay home longer.  I would love to home school her through preschool, take her to some tiny tot classes at the Y so she knows how to interact with other kids and listen to other adults.  I would love to be home with her until she starts kindergarten.  Then maybe work 3 to 4 days a week so I can volunteer at school and go on field trips.)

There is so much fun to be had watching her grow and learn!  And, it takes a lot of time to have a clean home/yard/camp trailer etc.  So NO I'm not bored, I just don't have time to be bored. 

I literally have THE BEST full time job ever...Sky's Mommy and Mark's Wife.  


Nic N said...

What a great post, Jen! I love that you are immersing yourself in motherhood. Sky is lucky to have you for a mommy. I can't wait to meet her--I hope to be visiting soon!

Keep up the posts! I love 'em!

Unknown said...

Yes...visit soon! Mark sure and let us know, we will schedule time to visit with you! Also, nice to know someone reads the blog. :)