Friday, June 20, 2014

Knee Update!

My knee feels better!!! It's not 100%, but the ice, ibuprofen, rest, and finally being able to foam roll and use my roller stick on it have made a huge difference.  I'm pain free this morning!  It's still a bit stiff, but at least it doesn't hurt!

I'm going to focus on resting it this weekend, while camping, and will probably do a test run Sunday afternoon after we get home.  I'm really hoping that I can pick up next week with the training schedule and only miss one long run (I have missed the 8 mile long run 4 out of the 5 times I've gone through this training schedule...interesting).

Ultimately while I would be irritated about paying money for a race I don't run an injury isn't the end of the world.  I don't get paid to run, it's not how I feed my family, it's a hobby/sport/form of exercise that I love, but am not dependent on.  I was stressed (really more irritated at the inconvenience of it)  for about 2 seconds when my knee flared up.  But, then I put it all in perspective and decided to not worry about it.

I will live to run another day.  Yes, I hope that day is sooner rather than later, but regardless I'm not stressing about it.

A few fun pics from the last few days...

She asked to play in her room, with the door shut, that should have tipped me off!  After a few minutes she started yelling at me to take her picture, and this is what I found when I walked in.

She hardly ever falls asleep in my arms anymore....I was in heaven!

We love Rock n Roll!

I love that I can work, watch soccer, drink wine, keep an eye on Sky playing outside all at the same time.  Got lost of Jamberry work done while resting my knee yesterday!

Funny convo with Sky yesterday:
I got down on the floor to help her with something and forgot to be careful of my knee...

Me: "Ouch, that hurt"
Sky: "What happened Mommy, I kiss it"
Me: "I bent my knee too much and it hurts"
Sky: "You run too fast Mommy, it hurts"

Sadly she may be right.  


Anyone running Seattle Rock n Roll this weekend? 

Tell me your favorite song or band to belt out in the car!
Me - Aerosmith, Sky - Bruno Mars

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