Monday, June 23, 2014

Weekend Fun, and No Knee Pain!

We had a lovely weekend away, like totally away with no phone or wifi service, and I kinda love that!  I also kinda love camping! 

 Sparkling White Sangria and a good book!

 PB doesn't last long around our place/camp!  Foil wrapped banana, and Sky claiming her spot in Bob and Michelle's new trailer! 

Let's talk about the foil wrapped banana for a moment.  I didn't actually get to try it, because I made myself sick eating cookie dough bites, but Mark said that it was really good and highly recommends it!  Leave the banana in the peel, cut it down the middle (length wise) add some marshmallows and whatever other yummy stuff you would like (chocolate, PB, crumbled gram crackers or nilla wafers etc), wrap the whole thing in tinfoil and heat/melt by the fire.  Once it's melted open up and enjoy right out of the peel. 
 She is such a snuggle bug when we camp!

 She knows how to enjoy some ice cream! 

This was pretty funny, because I was actually in the outhouse (one of the things we love about the property...flushing potty!)  Next thing I see is Sky's face smashed up against the mesh vent at the top...was not expecting that!

Thank you Bob for making your chocolate chip cookie dough good!

I think my knee needed the break this weekend.  I didn't run, didn't hike, didn't really do much of anything other than sit around drinking wine and reading my book.  It's a borrowed book, so I was doing my best to blaze through it and get it back to it's owner.  

By the time we got home yesterday I had zero pain and felt ready for a test run...and it feels 100% fine today.  Granted it was only a 2 mile run, and the pace was very easy, a few seconds shy of race day PR pace, which is slower than I've been pushing my runs as of late. 

I'm hopeful that all is going to be ok, but won't feel like I'm out of the woods until I get closer to 10 miles on it and it doesn't hurt.  I was considering running again today, but opted for pilates and trigger pointing instead. 

I may be a little more cautious than I truly need to be, but I'd rather be safe than sorry, and I have a lot of wiggle room in meeting my PR goal.  Technically to meet my running goal for the year (PR's at all my distances) I only need to be 1 second faster than my current PR.  I've been training for a much bigger PR than that, but while I'm training to shoot for the stars I know that I have a lot of room to allow for a more moderate pace if need be.  So we will see how it goes.    

Tomorrow I'll get out there again and see how it feels.  Fingers crossed! 

Sadly Mark and Sky came home from camping sick.  Sky is down right miserable and is cranky as all get out, yet wants to be cuddled and held all the time.  She finally started crying and asking for her bed, so I'm hopeful she wakes up feeling a bit better.  In the meantime I'm enjoying World Cup and blogging while I have the chance! 


Any campfire treats (other than the normal smores) that we should try out? 


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