Friday, September 12, 2014

TGIF...Race Weekend

Oh my goodness I feel like a blog slacker.  I just have not had the time, which is funny because I really thought with Sky starting school I would have all this extra time.  Not so.  It doesn't help that as soon as we registered her for pre school I put off a ton of projects/tasks until school started, so now it's time to get stuff done!

It also doesn't help that I have multiple, lengthy chiro and massage appointments a week.  Just trying to get my back where it needs to be so I can run again!  It's better, and progress is being made, but I'm not where I was pre Tacoma Narrows.  It's hard not to get frustrated, but I'm doing my best to stay positive and stay active, but still be kind to my body.

Sunday is You Go Girl Half, and for the first time ever I'm dropping down to a shorter distance.   Given the fact I've run 4 times in a month and my longest run was 4.2 miles I don't think a half is in the cards.  I'll run the 10K and I'll run it at a very easy pace.  My goal is to start the race, beyond that I'm not thinking about it.  I'll start, I'll have fun, and whatever happens happens.  I kind of don't even care.

I was toying with the idea of not running the rest of the year actually.  Focusing on yoga, pilates, stretching, diet and getting back to running after the Holiday's.  But, my heart is happy when I run, and I really feel like I need to be running, even if it's short and easy.  So, I'll still probably do a whole bunch more of the other stuff, but keep a little running in my life.  


A few camera pics from Whistler...thank goodness Mark has a nice camera and skills!

 Cheers at my favorite brewery in Whistler! 

 That is the face of a very satisfied chips and salsa fan! 

 Ready for adventure! 

 She was in love!  Her animal in the classroom that marks her bin and her coat hanger is a sheep sticker so we were exited to find real live sheep for her! 

 Man I love that little girl! 

Who's racing this weekend? 

Anyone had a Pumpkin Spiced Latte yet?
Not me...I'm an iced mocha drinker year round and iced pumpkin is nasty!

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