Tuesday, September 16, 2014

You Go Girl Recap

What is there to say really.  I went, I ran, I finished.  10K 58:53 only 2'ish min slower than my 10K pr pace, which I guess is a good thing given the lack of training, injury recovery, and the fact I went into it with one goal...to start the race.

I wanted to start, have fun running, not get caught up in numbers, not set myself back at all, and just run according to feel.  Mission accomplished!  The only time I looked at the watch was to see what the pace was compared to how I was feeling.  I have a pretty good idea now of what pace I can run before pain sets in, (the not good kind of pain, not the "normal" running related pain), and now feel like I can still run a bit and not do damage.  

It felt really good to get out there and just run, enjoy my music, not think about goal pace etc.  And, while 13.1 is my jam, and I would choose that distance over any other every time, I can't tell you how nice it was to turn off at the 6.2 mark and not have to think about the out and back the 1/2 marathoners were doing!

You know what's nice about a 10K though...it doesn't rule your day.  For me 1/2's still require recovery and kindness to my body the rest of the day, but with a 10K, it's life as normal whatever that may be.

It just so happened that this Sunday it meant a sick kiddo, and husband when I got home.  Blah.  I have it now too...so nice of them to share their germs with me!  First things first though...

Before I took care of them I took care of myself first!  Peach Fusion champagne is a pretty great recover drink!  If you have not tried this, do so asap!  If you can find it!  The local liqueur store ordered it because I requested it (awesome!), but it was back ordered for over a week...so good luck getting your hands on it!

Sky was sick for days which = lot's of cuddles, laundry, and mopping of floors.  Sadly Mark gets every bug that Sky does, so it's been lot's of fun around here.  Actually, to be honest, they both just want extra cuddles and love...them being sick isn't the worst thing in the world...for me anyway.

This was after vomiting all morning.  She was really miserable. 

So after vomiting all morning, and sleeping for 4.5 hours she asked to go to the park and play.  We get there and she decided she needed to rest because she was tired.  All that sleep and rest must have paid off because she was back to normal today and able to go to school!  Thank goodness because that's all she talks about.  She LOVES school!

 Watching a movie while we watched Monday Night Football. 

Sneak peak of a home project I will be sharing in the blog soon...Sky loves being outside with Daddy "helping" him with projects.  I would venture to say most of her help is not all that helpful, but this time she actually helped haul and shovel a lot of sand...while sick!  She really wanted to be out there with Daddy.

Not so sure helping place all those pavers was brilliant for my back, but our project is looking amazing!  :)

Anyone else race last weekend?

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