Monday, May 16, 2011

Lack of Posting

Sorry for the lack of posts...been busy getting a few last minute things done in the nursery, putting the car seat in the car and packing the diaper bag, and spending our last baby-free time with friends.


popeye said...

There is a chance I still will be off from work recovering from the surgery. If so, I will be there to watch, and of course help Mark babysit. I am scheduled to work that weekend. Still, I may not be released to return to work. I can't even begin to tell you how much I enjoy the role of--Grandpa. Val constantly tells me how it delights her heart to watch me play with her son's little girl and boy. I can tell you this--it takes me back to when you and your sister were little. I cant wait! One more thing--do you need anything for the race? If so, please let me know. If I do get to come up Val and I will give you and your partner a sports massage the day before. This will actually feel good, not your typical painful release of impengements.
Love dad

Unknown said...

You are a great Grandpa, and Sky is going to have to much fun with you and Val! That would be great if you are here that mean the Lord Hill run weekend right? July 2nd? Massage's the day before would be amazing! As for needing anything...I have all the running gear I need. We just have to figure out what we are doing about the location. Snohomish is way up there...I didn't realize that when we picked that race. So now have to decide if we are getting up early in the am, or if we want to get a hotel room or what. It's our first 5 mile race so we are leaning towards staying up there, or close to there...but Mark isn't sure he wants to go up and watch/wait around. Michelle and I need to figure it out for sure.