Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Big Change

I knew that life would change once we had Sky. I was ready and looking forward to all the changes, and for the most part it has been a pretty easy adjustment. Mostly because Sky is such an easy baby.

One thing that was not going to change was me working. Our plan has always been for me to go back to work after my leave was up.

Well, I got a phone call from my manager when we were on vacation and he let me know that MultiCare was laying over 300 employees off and my department was taking a pretty heavy hit. Not only were we losing employees, we were being restructured and possibly combined with HR and reporting up through my old manager (would rather eat worms then work for her again!).

He also let me know there was a voluntary layoff option. If I volunteered to take a layoff the severance would be MUCH better.

Mark and I talked about it and realized that with the severance, our savings/investments, the money we get back on our taxes in the adoption credit it would all combine and allow me to stay home with Sky for her first year.

So, with a bit of trepidation in my heart I signed the voluntary layoff paperwork over a week ago. I found out today that it had been accepted.

I go in tomorrow to sign the final paperwork and clean out my desk.

I have zero reservations about deciding to stay home with our baby for at least the first year. The only thing that is hard for me is not being self sufficient. If something happened to Mark I don't have a job to support myself and Sky with.

But, it was an opportunity that could not be passed up, so I took it, and now I get to spend every day with the most wonderful little lady in the world.


JR said...

Jen-I know this has been a hard adjustment for you. I'm sorry for your stress over this. Cleaning out your desk will probably make it feel really final, on the other hand, you will enjoy the next year more than anything. You and Sky will have time together that is worth more than any amount of money. It will fly by so fast.
Random thought--have a fun weekend and be safe! Moo

Beth said...

I know it's scary, but you guys are very smart w/finances and you will be fine and I have no doubt you'll have no regrets!
Ironic that you and Brian have the same last day : )
Love ya