Friday, July 22, 2011

Dear Sky

I love you so much baby girl, and I really can't remember life before you joined our family. It's been two months and I still look at you in awe that I get to be your mommy. I love EVERYTHING about being your mommy. Even the waking up in the middle of the night, the daily over-filled diapers, and getting spit up on 3 or 4 times a day.

I love our standing 3:30 am date every morning. It's my special time with you when the rest of our world is asleep. It's just you and me with no one asking to hold you or wanting time with you. That middle of the night feeding is the most peaceful feeding of all. You don't fuss much and you are usually totally asleep as you finish the last of the bottle.

I actually kind of dread when you old enough that you don't need that 3:30 am feeding. I'm going to miss the night light reflecting off you big beautiful eyes as you gaze up at me. And, even though everything I have read says to not interact with you so that you go right back to sleep I just can't help but whisper in your ear how much I love you and smile back when you grin at me.

I so hoped we would get a baby that liked to cuddle and we sure got that with you. You LOVE to be snuggled in our arms. While that makes it difficult, if not impossible, to get some tasks around the house done, I know soon enough you will be crawling and walking and you won't be interested in snuggling with us any more. So, I spend however much time you need snuggling to be happy. Yep, it makes it hard to keep up with the housework, but I don't care. I love knowing that all I have to do is pick you up and snuggle, and you are happy and it fixes everything for you.

You diaper changes have become much more entertaining. The last few days you have started smiling like crazy and giggling when I change your diaper. You absolutely do not like having a dirty diaper, and are so happy when I put a fresh clean one on you. We have our best conversations at the changing table.

Part of me wishes you could stay this way forever. But, since that isn't possible I'm focusing on enjoying every minute of every day that I have with you. You will be a grown up for such a long time, but you are only a baby for a few months and I'm cherishing every moment.

I love you little girl!


popeye said...

Wow! Now you know why each and every day I step into my office and stand there staring at the pictures on the wall of you and your sister. Most of the pictures are of the two of you when you were little girls. I would give anything for one more moment of holding you and Beth in my arms again. To this day I still miss that part of my life. Yes, enjoy each and every moment. Take comfort in knowing that what you are feeling will never leave you. You will miss it, but that love never leaves you.
dad said...

Something she will cherish forever!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

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