Sunday, June 23, 2013

12 Miles DONE!

Don't worry this isn't only a running post...there are Sky pics!

Longest run of the training cycle today, and Michelle and I got it done like pro's!  12 miles, done and it was fun!  Yep, it was hard at times, but I felt strong and more importantly totally have 1.1 left in me to finish the half in a few weeks!  And, we are on track to blow my 1/2 time from last year out of the water!!!  While I have zero time goal this time around (my only goal is to run Michelle's first 1/2 with her/run our first 1/2 together and have fun doing it!) it would be pretty great to PR as well!   

I can't get over how different I feel this time around.  Last year at this point I could hardly walk let alone run because my foot hurt so bad and my legs were so sore all the time.  But, I have been super smart this time and did what I needed to leading up to the training cycle and it has paid off big time! 

I love getting the longest training run under my legs.  I feel like we are totally ready and able to run See Jane in a few weeks! 

Best of all my race day outfit issue solved! 

Worth every penny!
(Only reason this is a but shot is so you can see the orange stitching across the back of the skirt...the reason why I "needed" to get a matching top and socks...I don't have anything that matches neon orange in my running wardrobe!)
I know I said the other day I was a little irritated about getting new running gear.  But, it was so worth it!  I was only irritated because I don't like spending my fun money to the last penny.  I like having some on hand for opportunities that pop up last minute like drinks with friends, or for other unexpected stuff. 
I guess realizing that all my skirts that work well on short runs (seriously I have at least 6!)  don't work well on long runs is one of those unexpected things.  I am very grateful that I had the money on hand to spend on a new outfit, and even more grateful to find out today that it's perfect!  Nothing rubbed or irritated during the run at all!  I'll totally get my money's worth out of this outfit by the time I run 3 1/2's in it!
Doesn't hurt that the colors are fun and I feel like it looks good on me.  Come race day not having to think twice about my clothing is going to be really nice!     
The skirt is THIS Lululemon skirt.  I have a black one already, but it's in the long length, and the new one is regular length and a size smaller.  The length of the shorts and the fit of the skirt is much better.  Everything stays in place as it should! 
Top is THIS Oiselle Winona Tank top.  I already had it in another color so knew it was what I wanted for race day...LOVE this top!!! 
Socks are THIS new neon orange from ProCompression.  There is regular marathon orange, but I went neon since they were on special this month. 
Once again thank you Dad for randomly sending me fun money, I truly appreciate it! 
A few Sky pics from the last few days...

First popsicle!

Putting the new safety tower to use.
The safety tower was one of her birthday gifts from Grandpa Steve.  More of a gift for our peace of mind really, but she loves it.  I forgot that it folds down flat, had I remembered that I would have opened it and put it together much sooner.  I was anticipating a big project, but it popped up, locked in place and I only had to screw the feet on.  Now I don't have to worry about her falling off the bar stools all the time!  Can't wait until she is ready to start helping more in the kitchen and cooking with me...this thing is going to be put to work for sure! 
Anyone else race/run this weekend or do anything fun?

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