Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Running With a Migraine

I don't like migraine's and I really don't like ending a run with one, especially when I still have to drive home!  Not a fun way to finish a run at all!  Thankfully it was an intense yet short one and was gone by the time I got home.  I still felt hung over, which is pretty normal after a migraine for me, but at least the vision issues and intense pain were gone. 

I think my blood sugar was a little low.  I've been trying not to snack with Sky as much, but at the same time my weekly miles are going up and up and I'm hungry ALL THE TIME!  I can tell though that I'm at the sweet spot of any running or workout program I take one.  About 6 weeks in (tends to take longer and longer the older I get) the pounds drop and my body starts changing.  Probably can't tell by looking but I can feel I'm on the verge of dropping some pounds and all my cloths, running and non-running, are starting to fit looser. 

Migraine aside the run last night felt hard.  I could tell my legs are still beat from S2N.  I didn't push too much since I have the stroller group this morning and my 11 miler at 5 am tomorrow morning. 

I don't like, and never really do it, running 3 days back-to-back.  I know some runners do it and it works for them, but it's not something I do, and my body is not used to it.  I know this is the most likely injury time since my legs are tired and I'm not giving them a break.   I'm trying to be smart and not push the pace, just focus on getting the miles in.  Today is going to be a slow easy run with the stroller group.  Tomorrows 11 is with Elya, and I'm thankful we walk the hills to keep her heart rate down since she is pregnant. 

The only reason I'm running 3 days in a row is because I really want to get all the runs for the week done since we leave tomorrow for Mark's Fathers Day camping trip to Winthrop.  I want to be able to rest and enjoy us camping, just the 3 of us, for the first time.  Don't get me wrong I love camping with our friends, but there is something to be said for family time.  Plus, I was not looking forward to running in 80+ heat in an area I don't know.  If it was a short run no problem, but not 11 miles! 

Sky pics...she was excited to have yogurt for breakfast this morning.  So much so she ditched her spoon and stuck her face in the bowl to lick it up!

Now time for both of us to get ready to go run with the stroller group!

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