Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day Camping Trip

We were able to sneak away for a long weekend of camping for Father's Day, and it was just what we needed. 

A slow, easy trip, jus the 3 of us to hang out and relax. 

(I have to admit, that while I was not happy my 11 mile run ended being just short of 6, I could tell that my legs needed the time off.  Every day I woke up in camp they felt stronger and stronger and more rested.  I feel totally ready to finish this training cycle and kill it come race day!)

I was a little worried because it was a new campground for us, and I had to trust that the lady on the phone would put us in a "good" spot. 

The view from our spot.

She put us in what we think is the best spot in the campground!  The view of the lake and mountains was just beautiful especially at sunset!

The Methow Valley is amazing.  Just beautiful!  I didn't want to leave and feel like a little piece of my heart was left behind.  I can't wait to plan our next visit! 

I can't tell you how nice it was to have a "just us" camping trip.  Nothing against our camping friends, we always have a blast every trip.  But there is something to be said for knowing we can camp on our own and enjoy each others company, have fun, and not feel like anything is missing.  I'm so content to just spend time doing nothing with my babe and my baby! 

A few more pics from the weekend...

We missed the turn for the campground, but ended up finding this Cider Farm.  Hard cider on tap, and it was amazing!  Right in the middle of the orchard, with a big tent and couches underneath.  We could have spent hours there.  Sky was a big fan of the cider doughnuts!  

I think she is saying, "I need a horse!"  Winthrop is such an Old West town, it was fun to walk down main street and see all the old store fronts.


Since it's a mountain valley even though it was hot during the day the mornings started out cool and the evenings ended cool.  We spent the morning's trying to stay warm and snuggly until the sun did it's job.  It was perfect though for camping because you don't feel overheated all day and night. 

It was even warm enough for her to splash around in the lake.  The water was cold and she was shivering so bad, but she had so much fun!

Mark got to spend his Father's Day doing something he loves with the little girl he loves.  It made me happy all weekend to see the two of them together all smiles and hugs.

More pics here: Winthrop Camping Trip   


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