Wednesday, September 4, 2013

New Shoes

I had the hardest time shopping on vacation.  There was not a lot of shopping in our area of Utah, and when there was shopping there wasn't anything I wanted. 

We make a point to skip the souvenir things like key chains etc.  I like to get items I can use, like a running skirt, zip up, or hat.  We also like to get art for the house or yard etc.  Things we can look at, use and enjoy every day. 
It's always kind of fun to shop for fun hose stuff while on vacation, but this time it was just irritating.  We either didn't see anything we liked, or the one or two things we did like were not made in the USA (there are certain countries we avoid buying from, no I won't share which ones or our reasons) or were so expensive it was ridic. 

So, what did I do?  I ordered a pair of shoes I've had my eyes on for a while.  If I order them while on vacation then they are like a souvenir right?!  Best part was they were waiting for me when we got  home!

   This pic makes my ankles look so bad.  Whatever.
Check out Sanuk shoes HERE
They may not be super cute, but they are super comfortable and have more support in them than Toms, and I have worn them every day so far!  I totally want another pair! 
I did manage to find these earrings in the gift shop in Zion...
...made out of wood and really delicate.  Totally perfect for one of my summer dresses, so you know I'll get to wear them like once a year.  But they make me smile and remind me of vacation and that's what matters.
I also used some of my vacation money to register for a race next year, so there you go.  My vacation purchases were a race, shoes, and a pair of earrings.  Oh, and I did get a last minute baseball cap that says I Hiked Angels Landing...I needed a hat for the trip home.  Lot's of early mornings, and just wanted to toss a hat on and skip hair and makeup so I could sleep longer.
Thank you for the vacation $ Dad!!!  Love you!

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