Saturday, September 28, 2013

Running In The Rain

That is exactly what Michelle and I will be doing tomorrow, as will Elya who is very pregnant non-the-less!

So, yeah I don't love the forecast for tomorrow, but whatever.  I can't control the weather, but I can control my outlook.  I wouldn't be much of a PNW runner if I wasn't ok running in the rain, wind, snow, cold, and dark more often than not.  I mean we all practically have webbed feet here in W WA anyway, so a little rain aint no thang!  ;-)

The 40mph wind predicted for tomorrow threw me for a bit though.  I don't really know how to dress to account for wind chill.  If this were just a normal run, and not a race, no problem I would overdress and just tie my shirt or jacket around my waist when I'm warm enough.  But, I'm not willing to do that for a race let alone for 13.1 miles.  I don't like doing that, but I do a lot of things I don't like on training runs simple because I don't have aid stations etc when training. 

Running rule of thumb...dress for 20 degrees warmer to account for getting all hot and sweaty.  So this is what I'm going with. 

Long sleeve top, skirt with knee highs, and a hat to keep the rain out of my eyes.  My thinking is the shirt will keep me warm without overheating since it's breathable, and because I have the skirt on instead of pants.  Plus, I haven't run anything over 6 miles in any of my pants.  I'm not about to test them out on a rainy race day!

For the first time ever I'm wearing a throwaway top and blanket.  I'll toss the blanket as we cross the start line and keep the long sleeve flannel shirt on until I warm up.  I know it's going to be cold standing around waiting for the race to start and I don't want to feel miserable. 

I'm also ditching the watch.  It's not waterproof, and given some of the downpours we've had today I'm not willing to risk my Garmin when I'm being timed anyway.  I don't need it for pace...this course is hilly enough there is no risk of going out too fast, it just isn't going to happen.

I'm so excited to be running this race...with Michelle...qualifying for Half Fanatics...the rain can't dampen my spirits.  Just my hair!  :-)

P.S. I'm also pretty excited about the beer, pizza, and steak waiting for me post-race tomorrow!

Sky pic of the day...

It was nice to spend a day with my Mom, and clearly Sky loved coloring in her coloring books with Grandma!

I hope everyone is having an awesome weekend!  If you're running or racing have fun rain or shine!

What's your favorite post-race/long run food? 

Mine is for sure beer and rare with chimichurri sauce.  I like pizza too and plan on having pizza for lunch and steak for dinner tomorrow.   


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