Monday, May 27, 2013

Perfect Morning

What's not perfect, coming home early from camping. 

Waking Daddy up from his nap.

We left yesterday afternoon due to truck issues.  As in driving down the road it just shut off.  Mark worked on it, got it running and we figured we had better get home while we could.  The Beckham's left early as well so make sure we made it back.  

Bonus was they still came over to the house last night to make the dinner they were going to make in camp!  It kinda felt like the last night of camping, only with all the comforts of home!

What is's 8:41 and I'm the only one awake!  I usually get Sky up at 7am, so I can keep her on her nap and bedtime schedule, but she didn't sleep hardly at all the night before, doesn't nap very well while we are camping, so I figured I would let her sleep while I enjoy my coffee and catch up on emails and reading the blogs I follow.  I LOVE mornings like this, getting time to myself before the house is awake, usually for that to happen I have to get up at 5 or 6, so this feels like such a luxury!

   The only way Sky really naps while we are camping is if we go for a drive. 
Happy Memorial Day!!!  

1 comment:

TQ said...

Sorry bout the truck, hip hip hooray for sleeping tornadoes